We admire and respect innovators such as scientists, entrepreneurs and artists of the modern era in dynamic development equal to the new era, new technologies and achievements in various spheres of life. However, sometimes we unfairly forget the silent heroes of development. Behind the scenes of this development are our teachers. The truth is simple – just as education is important, so is the role of teachers in society.
Without good education and hard-working teachers, it is impossible to achieve progress in any field, from science to art and technology, which is important for the development of society.
President, we recognize kindergarten educators, school teachers, university professors and scientific and creative intellectuals in our society as the four pillars of the Third Renaissance that we are striving for today. The greatest of the buildings in the world is the school, and the most honorable of the professions is teaching and coaching.
On December 27, 1996, “October 1 – Day of Teachers and Trainers” was declared as a holiday (rest).
The head of our state, Sh. Mirziyoyev, in a series of his lectures, said, “We are the four elements of the Renaissance, which includes pre-school education and school education, higher and secondary special education systems, and scientific and cultural institutions. ring, we know. We consider kindergarten teachers, school teachers, professors and scientific and creative intellectuals to be the four pillars of the new Renaissance. I believe that respected parents will definitely support this initiative and will be the fifth link and fifth pillar of the new Renaissance. And if I say that this will be the strongest pillar in our spiritual and educational life, I think that you will fully support it.
In conclusion, teachers feel that their only vocation is teaching and are dedicated to their students even in difficult circumstances. So, a good teacher actually considers his profession as the meaning of life. As the Chinese thinker Confucius said, “there are people in life who love their field so they don’t work in it, but live in it.” Teachers with high scientific potential, whose knowledge and skills deserve recognition belong to this category.