An event called “Community of our happiness in the Constitution”.

On the first issue, the head of the department, Prof. F.I. Salomova spoke and spoke about the date of adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its essence.Solemnly declaring our loyalty to human rights and freedoms, national and universal values, the principles of state sovereignty, the one nation of Uzbekistan, showing our loyalty to the ideas of democracy, freedom and equality, social justice and solidarity, the human, his life, freedom, honor and dignity aware of our high responsibility to current and future generations to build a humane democratic state, an open and fair society, which is considered the highest value relying on the historical experience of the development of our state for more than three thousand years, as well as on the scientific, cultural and spiritual heritage of our great ancestors who made an incomparable contribution to world civilization, we earnestly determined to increase the priceless natural resources of our country and to preserve them for the present and future generations, as well as to preserve the cleanliness of the environment. , based on the universally recognized principles and norms of international law, the world community of Uzbekistan, the most first of all, striving to strengthen and develop friendly relations with neighboring countries on the basis of cooperation, mutual support, peace and harmony, aiming to ensure decent living of citizens, inter-national and inter-confessional harmony, well-being and prosperity of our multi-ethnic land of Uzbekistan, adopted this Constitution that we did andit was shown that the role of students in particular is incomparable.

After that, it was the turn of 101 groups of students of the Faculty of Medical Prevention and Public Health, Ecology and Environmental Protection, Faculty of Chemistry, “Medical Prevention Work”, 1st year, to demonstrate the work they had prepared for today’s event. ,Mirzaev Sh, Nigmatova P, Kambaralieva D. Kambarova D, Kasimov O, Rajabboeva Sh, Tokhirova B, Umarkulova R., Khoshimov O. They elaborated on the articles of the constitution with a poem prepared by him and answered questions.   

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