Under the leadership of an employee of the Department of Environmental Hygiene, a boarding school for children with hearing impairment, located in the Almazor district of Tashkent, was visited.
Large-scale reforms implemented in our republic are aimed at ensuring the priority of spiritual factors in all spheres of public life. In order to make the young generation confident about the future, it is necessary to deeply study the spiritual and moral heritage of our generation, to harmonize its activities, talents and abilities with the purpose of the country, the people, and the state. Man alone can never be truly happy: “Every man is so constituted by his nature that he needs many things in order to live and attain the highest degree of maturity; he can’t get these things alone, he needs a group of people to get them.”
Ethical culture is the degree to which a person knows and acquires moral laws, rules, norms, and qualities and observes them in relations with other people. The unique moral culture formed in the family serves as an important basis for the formation of a specific national value system. After all, our people have considered the family sacred since ancient times.