At the beginning of the speech, FISalomova, the dean of the faculty of medicine and prevention and public health, ecology and environmental protection and chemistry of TTA, congratulated all the professors and teachers of the department and all the listening students on our dearest holiday that the Uzbek language has been granted the status of the state language of the Republic of Uzbekistan. He congratulated him on his 35th anniversary. The mother tongue is the soul of the nation. Language is a state symbol and property. Preservation and development of the language means the rise of the nation. The status of the state language is legally established in the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In this way, the Uzbek language has become a symbol of the sacred state, which stands among the Flag, Coat of Arms, and Anthem of our independent state and is protected by law.
On October 21, 1989, our mother tongue, Uzbek, was given the status of a state language. This has become an unforgettable, historical event in the life of our country and compatriots.
On October 21, 2019, the head of our state signed the decree “On measures to fundamentally increase the prestige and position of the Uzbek language as a state language”. In particular, he informed that October 21 is marked as “Uzbek language holiday” in our country.